3D Printed Sneakers
This project was part of my Bachelor Final Project (Industrial Design Engineering, 2015). It was in collaboration with Luxexcel: a company that is able to 3D print transparent lenses. The goal was to create a product that makes use of their (back then) newly developed technique. By starting with a company analysis and looking into possible opportunities, a product was created.
Acryx is the world’s fully first 3D printed sneaker that uses 3D printed transparent parts.
From kickoff to the first sketches
Below a timeline can be seen that starts with the first meeting at Luxexcel, followed by the company analysis, ideas and focus area up to the first product sketches. Likewise, this timeline was used to update the company about the process.
After the first part, it was mainly about sketching new ideas which served as a brainstorming tool. Eventually from these sketches, three concepts are created.

Final Concept: Acryx
From these sketches one final concept was chosen, which is the so-called Acryx sneakers. This concept uses the 3D printable parts by Luxexcel in a way that it showcases the possibilities for future users.

Concept Elaboration
The material of the sneakers consist of NinjaFlex: a flexible 3D printable filament. The sneakers are modeled in Rhino T-Splines by using Nike Air Footscapes as a silhouette. The sides of the shoes were printed initially to analyse whether the 3D printed transparent parts would not slip out of the shoe when worn.

View the 3D model below.
This project shows the process from initial idea up to an actual concept of a sneaker whereby a 3D model was created and 3D printed. As the project was done in 2015, there are some things now I would have done differently as I also did not have a lot of knowledge about 3D printing back then.
The presentation at the beginning was used to present the final concept to the company. It was created in Illustrator and after that animated in Adobe After Effects. It can be seen here.
The sneakers are modeled with Rhinoceros and printed with an Ultimaker 2. For the final presentation, the model was only printed in 1:3 size.
For more information regarding this project, feel free to contact me.
I’m always open to discuss interesting projects like these.
Bonus video 🙂